
Mary Shea
Let my over 30 years of experience in the surgical field go to work for you. During the past nearly two decades of visiting and assessing surgery centers, I have seen over 600 centers acheive their accreditation. Promoting nursing education and nursing excellence, both in the US and on multiple medical missions to Cambodia, has to be some of the distinct pleasures of my nursing career.
- Active AAAHC Surveyor
- Over 600 AAAHC Surveys Completed
- CMS Surveyor
- Perioperative Advisor
- Owner: Mary Shea Surgical, LLC
- Board Certified OR Nurse
- Board Certified RN First Assistant
- Over 30 years OR Experience in all Nursing Capacities
- Nearly two decades as an Accreditation Surveyor with AAAHC
You can reach out to me here.